Sai Dharam Tej and Raashi Khanna starrer Prati Roju Pandage, directed by Maruthi, is slated to hit the theaters on 20th December. The family entertainer drama Prati Roju Pandage has done the world wide pre-release business of Rs 18 Cr. This film also has Sathyaraj, Rao Ramesh, Vijayakumar, Murali Sharma, Ajay, Hari Teja, Satyam Rajesh, Naresh, Prabha, Bharath Reddy and Praveen in key roles. On 15th December, the makers organized the pre-release event of Prati Roju Pandage in Hyderabad. The makers spent a hefty amount for the event, which was attended by thousands of people. Bubbly actress Rashi Khanna, Sathyaraj, Rao Ramesh and other technicians of Prati Roju Pandaage were present at the event of Prati Roju Pandage, which turned out to be a grand success.
The break up is the pre-release business of Prati Roju Pandage are as follows:
Nizam: Rs 5.50 Cr
Ceded: Rs 2.80 Cr
Nellore: Rs 0.65 Cr
Krishna: Rs 1.20 Cr
Guntur: Rs 1.45 Cr
Vizag: Rs 2.00 Cr
East Godavari: Rs 1.30 Cr
West Godavari: Rs 1.10 Cr
Total AP/TS Pre-release Business of Prati Roju Pandage: Rs 16.00 Cr
Karnataka: Rs 0.80 Cr
Roi : Rs 0.20 Cr
Overseas: Rs 1.00 Cr
Total Worldwide Pre-release business of Prati Roju Pandage: Rs 18.00 Cr
In Prati Roju Pandage, Raashi Khanna will be seen playing the role of a typical village girl who is obsessed with TikTok in the movie. It has generated a lot of buzz among the fans and film audience after the several looks of the film were revealed by the filmmakers. It is directed by Maruthi Dasari and is produced by Bunny Vas under GA2 Pictures and UV Creations, and presented by Allu Arvind under Geetha Arts. Bunny Vas has previously backed films that have become blockbusters, such as Geetha Govindam, Bhale Bhale Magadivoy and 100% Love, and the producer hopes Prati Roju Pandage, which is releasing on 20th December, brings him more success.
from TOPSTORIES – Tollywood