The Bollywood babe Nushrat Bharucha is currently riding high on the success of her latest release, Dream Girl. This Raj Shandaaliya directorial also stars Ayushmann Khurrana and he has yet again managed to slay his audiences with her performance skills. The actress is currently enjoying holidays. Today morning Nushrat Bharucha took to her Instagram to share her few pics where she is seen wearing two piece. In one of the pic, bikini clad Nushrat Bharucha is seen lying on jet-ski. Her latest Instagram pics are giving us some serious vacation goals. It wouldn’t be wrong to say that the breathtaking view in the backdrop made the pic postcard worthy
Nushrat Bharucha give us inspiration in the fashion whether it is a bikini, swimwear or a gown. Donning the perfect body is what they do best while looking gorgeous in any thing they wear. She is looking smoking hot and s*xy in this pic. Nushrat Bharucha knows well how to tease her fans. Her fans are going gaga over it. She is one of divas, who doesn’t shy away from flaunting her curves.
Nushrat Bharucha flaunted her hot-body, while posing for the camera, it will definitely make you weak at the knees. She is enjoying her life to the fullest and her Instagram feed is a proof of that. she sure knows how to keep fans glued to her account precisely why she has about 3.3 million followers.
Nushrat Bharucha started her filmy career in 2009 with the box-office flop Kal Kissne Dekha. Later she was seen in Love Sex Aur Dhokha, which was a commercial failure too. In 2011, she appeared in Pyaar Ka Punchnama. Recently she was seen shaking her leg in recently released movie Marjaavaan, directed by Milap Zaveri and starring Riteish Deshmukh, Sidharth Malhotra, Tara Sutaria and Rakul Preet Singh. She will be next seen in Hindi movie Chhalaang.
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