Nikhil Siddharth is currently enjoying the success of his recent offering Arjun Suravaram, which was released this month and turned out money spinner at the box office. According to the traders report, Arjun Suravaram has minted Rs 3.7 crores share (Rs 7.65 Crore Gross) in Nizam in two weeks and it has beaten Nikhil Siddharth’ previous hit movie Ekkadiki Potavu Chinnavada which earned Rs 3.5 crores. in its full run. And finally Arjun Suravaram has become the highest grossing film in his career in Nizam alone.
Nizam theatricals rights of Arjun Suravaram was sold for Rs 2.5 Crore and the recovery is 144 percent.
Arjun Suravaram is remake of Kollywood blockbuster Kanithan, which is directed by original director TN Santhosh and is jointly produced by Rajkumar Akella and Kaviya Venugopal. Nikhil Siddharth and Lavanya Tripathi are playing the lead roles in Arjun Suravaram.
Nikhil Siddharth is playing the role of an investigative journalist working for a TV channel. His life as a happy-go-lucky guy with a nice family and lovely girlfriend turns upside down when he gets arrested for producing fake Degree certificates and cheating the banks. How he expose the dangerous racket forms the rest of the plot.
Last week, Nikhil Siddharth caught red handed a lady along with her daughter openly selling pirated DVDs of Arjun Suravaram on the road. The actor was shocked after seeing this that the pirated DVDs of Arjun Suravaram was being sold on the road. The lady started crying on camera when Nikhil started to expose her. Nikhil Siddharth urged his fans to not encourage the piracy and he requested the audience to not buy such pirated DVDs and asked them to watch the movie only in the theatres.
On the other side, Lavanya Tripathi will be seen in upcoming sport based drama A1 Express.
from TOPSTORIES – Tollywood