Chandu Mondeti, who delivered a rather successful directorial debut five years ago with Nikhil Siddharth starrer mystery thriller Karthikeya, has collaborated with the actor once again for its sequel, Karthikeya 2. Now according to the latest buzz in the film industry Chandu Mondeti is planning to rope Anupama Parameswaran in his upcoming directorial venture Karthikeya 2 in which Nikhil Siddharth will play the lead role.
The sources say that Karthikeya was quite a blockbuster. And now, apparently, Chandu Mondeti has written an even better story for its sequel. He and Nikhil Siddharth decided they should start filming immediately. Chandu also wants to wrap the film quickly. Colours Swathi was the female lead in Karthikeya and she will also be in Karthikeya 2. Nikhil Siddharth will continue from where he left as the protagonist.
Anupama Parameswaran, who has been missing in action in Tollywood, is all set to make her comeback in Tollywood once again with Nikhil Siddharth starrer Karthikeya 2. She is said to be the first choice for the female lead in this devotional thriller drama, which is expected to go on the floor very soon. The sources say that Chandoo Mondeti wants the actress like Anupama Parameswaran, who has innocence, charm and beauty.
The talk has been initiated. The actress Anupama Parameswaran is also happy with her character but yet to sign the project.
On the other side, currently Nikhil Siddharth is enjoying the success of his recently released investigative thriller drama Arjun Suravaram, which is running successfully at the box office. The movie is the official remake of Tamil blockbuster Kanithan and the same director TN Santosh has helmed the Telugu version too.
In Tollywood, Anupama Parameswaran was last seen in Rakshasudu, where she shared the screen space with Bellamkonda Sai Srinivas, which was decent hit at the box office.
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