Venkatesh Daggubati and Akkineni Naga Chaitanya are coming together with an upcoming multistarrer drama Venky Mama, which is one of the most awaited movies of Telugu Film Industry. Recently during the media interaction, Suresh Babu revealed that he is planning to release Venky Mama on 13th December. But till date the makers did not make any official announcement regarding the release date of Venky Mama. Few people are saying that the release of Venky Mama will be postponed. This double talk has already created confusion. According to the latest buzz, Suresh Babu will announce the release date of Venky Mama today evening.
The producer of Venky Mama- Suresh Babu is back from USA and he is meeting all the distributors of Suresh Productions today. After the discussion, they will finalize the best release date of Venky Mama. It is expected that Venky Mama may release on 13th December. According to the latest buzz in the film industry, the official release date of Venky Mama starring Venkatesh Daggubati and Naga Chaitanya will be out by today evening.
Directed by KS Ravindra alias Bobby, Venky Mama features Venkatesh, Naga Chaitanya, Raashi Khanna and Payal Rajput in the lead roles.
The film Venky Mama is touted to be packed with comedy, which fans are looking forward to, especially after Venkatesh’ previous comedy film F2: Fun and Frustration. In Venky Mama, Venkatesh is playing the role of a village man while Naga Chaitanya is an army person who comes to the village and makes a lot of social reforms. The movie is bankrolled jointly by Suresh Productions and Blue Planet Entertainment. Anup Rubens is the music composer and Prasad Murella is cranking the camera.
After Premam, this is the first time, Naga Chaitanya is sharing the screen space with his uncle Venkatesh Daggubati. Chaitu was last seen in Majili, where he played a failed cricketer turned rowdy.
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