Mahalakshmi, who has worked for Telugu, Tamil and Malayalam film and television, tied the knot with Nirmal Krishna on 15th December 2019. After being in a relationship for many years, both- Mahalakshmi and Nirmal Krishna got married. Many celebrities including Vindhya Menon, Manianpila Raju, Manu Verma, Bina Antony, Kailadi Omana, and others attended the wedding ceremony of Mahalakshmi and Nirmal Krishna.
A video of Mahalaxmi and Nirmal Krishna’s wedding has been shared on YouTube. She wore multi-colored Kasavu saree and gold jewelry on the occasion of her wedding whereas Nirmal wore a traditional shirt and mundu. On this special day, Mahalakshmi looked no less than a fairy or princess. The actress opted for subtle hue of nude and gold in makeup. She pulled her hair back in a low bun and rounded off her look with a gajra.
Manu Nair, Beena Antony, Vindhuja Menon, Anand Narayanan, etc were seen showering wishes to the newly-married.
The wedding ceremony of Mahalakshmi and Nirmal Krishna was held privately at Trivandrum and its video and pictures got released yesterday.
Mahalakshmi has acted in many famous shows like Kunjali Merkur, Ramayanam, Ulladakkam, and Sivakami and won the hearts of people by her performance skills. Apart from her acting, she has participated in Television shows. In Sivakami, Mahalakshmi essayed the lead role and her performance in the same was appreciated a lot by the audience.
Apart from this, Mahalakshmi also featured in the movie Ardhanari in which she portrayed the role of a transgender. Before entering into the world of acting, Mahalakshmi was a dancer by profession. She has also participated in game show. Her ‘Save The Date’ video was earlier seen making rounds on social media. And now her wedding video is going viral.
She came in limelight with her role as a child artist in Dileep starrer ‘Thilakkam’.
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