A few days ago, Sri Reddy made sensational comments on Kollywood actor and producer Udayanidhi Stalin and revealed she met Udayanidhi Stalin through Vishal Reddy three years ago and he shared the bed with her whole night at Green Park Hotel. But after having s*x, Udayanidhi Stalin did not offer her any role in the movies. Earlier in Kollywood, Sri Reddy has targeted Vishal Reddy, Sundar C, AR Murugadoss, Raghava Lawrence and others. But this time she is showering praises for Kollywood actor Vijay Sethupathi. Don’t know whether Vijay Sethupathi is Sri Reddy’s Favorite star or Next Target.
According to Sri Reddy, Vijay Sethupathi is her favorite actor and she thanked Libra Productions for the release of Makkal Selvan.
Vijay Sethupathi‘s recent release Makkal Selvan suffered from serious financial troubles because of which the film got delayed multiple films. The film is directed by Vijay Chandar, in which Vijay Sethupathi is playing the dual role. This is the first time, the actor is making his screen presence in dual roles. It is a family entertainer movie that also has Raashi Khanna, Nivetha Pethuraj, Soori, Nasser and Ashutosh Rana in important roles.
Sanga Thamizhan/ Makkal Selvan was supposed to release worldwide on 15th November but due to last-minute financial issues, the film couldn’t see the light of the day. The distributor Ravinder Chandrasekar of Libra Productions had pending dues to pay to Vijaya Productions. After holding talks with Vijaya Productions, they decided to clear Sanga Thamizhan for the release. Vijay Sethupathi’s film was screened in selected theatres on 15th November at 10:30 pm. Sri Reddy is very happy as her favorite star Vijay Sethupathi’ starrer film was released.
Though Sri Reddy thanked Libra production for the release of Vijay Sethupathi starrer she also made comments on Vishal Reddy starrer Action, which was also released yesterday on 15th November. The controversial actress Sri Reddy said, “Vishal starrer Action has taken below the average opening at the box office.”
Credit: Facebook
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