It is already known that stylish star Allu Arjun has announced a new project with Rangasthalam fame Sukumar, which has been launched recently with a pooja ceremony. The movie is expected to go on the floor next year. Kannada beauty Rashmika Mandanna will be seen sharing the screen space with Allu Arjun in this film. This is the first time, Allu Arjun and Geetha Govindam girl Rashmika Mandanna is going to work together. If the industry grapevine is anything to go by, the story of Sukumar‘s upcoming film starring Allu Arjun will revolve around the Sandalwood mafia, which has Nallamala forest backdrop. Apparently, it will be a romantic action entertainer with a typical Sukumar styled screenplay. According to the latest buzz, Sukumar is planning to shoot the film in Bangkok. The thick forests of Bangkok provide good vision and also have proper transportation in interior parts of the jungle. Sukumar is planning to turn Bangkok into Nallamala. If this is true, we need to see how Sukumar convinces the audience to believe Bangkok as our very own Nallamala.
The upcoming project of Allu Arjun and Sukumar deals with the serious issue of smuggling of red sandalwood from the forests of Nallamala. Vijay Sethupathi will play the antagonist. European filmmaker Dani Sanchez-Lopez who has proved his mettle with some amazing camera work in back-to-back films like Kshanam, Goodachari, Nag Ashwin’s ‘Mahanati’ is on the board to handle the cinematography. The story of Allu Arjun’s film is set against the backdrop of the Nallamala forest and the rustic locales of Rayalaseema.
Sukumar’s last film was Rangasthalam starring Ram Charan and Samantha Akkineni, which was released last year went on to become a big hit. On the other side, currently, Allu Arjun is busy in his ongoing project Ala Vaikunthapurramuloo with Trivikram Srinivas which has Pooja Hegde in the female lead and will hit the theatres on 12th January 2020.
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