The controversial reality show Bigg Boss 3 Telugu has been ended. Rahul Sipligunj lifted the trophy of Bigg Boss winner whereas Sreemukhi was runner-up. After spending almost 100 days in Bigg Boss 3 Telugu house and having no connection to the outer world, Sreemukhi finally got a chance to meet her family. Post Rahul Sipligunj’ win and now TV host Jhansi has commented on him. Jhansi expressed her dissatisfaction over Sreemukhi remaining as a runner up and not a winner.
Anchor Jhansi made satirical comments on Social media. She wrote in Telugu on her Instagram, “Even in a country like America, the women are not being elected as President, how can we expect Indian households to give a lady title. I congratulate Sreemukhi, she performed all her tasks to the best of her abilities. For me, Sreemukhi is the winner!” Sreemukhi thanked Jhansi for her support.
During Bigg Boss 2 Telugu, everyone expected that singer Geetha Madhuri would win the title of Bigg Boss winner but Kaushal Manda won the trophy. Anchor Jhansi said, “Bigg Boss Telugu is not ready for a female winner.” She added, “When Americans are not ready for a female President, how can Telugu people be ready for their first female Bigg Boss winner?”
In Bigg Boss 3 Telugu house, Rahul Sipligunj got more attention from the public because of his direct rivalry with Sreemukhi. After coming out from Bigg Boss house, Rahul got a grand welcome and was seen partying with his Bigg boss buddies Punarnavi, Varun Sandesh, and Vithika among others.
Currently, Sreemukhi and her family friends are enjoying a holiday. She took to Instagram and shared a video of her meeting with her family and friends. They celebrated the moment with cake-cutting. Previous contestants and winners have already proved that Bigg Boss gives you opportunities and fame but it is hard to sustain.
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