Power Star Pawan Kalyan is making his comeback to films is old news. The latest update is that Pawan has gone back to the political side with the latest scenario in Andhra Pradesh. At first, Dil Raju has planned to start the Pink remake in the direction of Venu Sri Ram from early January. Now that Pawan has gone back to his political commitments, there is no update when he will return. This is surely a tough period for Venu Sri Ram and Dil Raju who are waiting for the nod of Pawan. It is Dil Raju who made Pawan agree for re-entry into films. He has proposed the easiest of the films act in with Pink which requires hardly 30 days of call sheets.
Not only Venu Sri Ram, but there are also other directors who are waiting for Pawan Kalyan re-entry into films. Director Krish who has narrated a line to Pawan is waiting for him to start the Pink remake which gives him confidence that he will act in his movie as well. Krish’s one is a periodic subject and AM Ratnam might bankroll the project.
Earlier, Pawan Kalyan has committed a project with RT Neason but it was shelved as Pawan has quit acting career suddenly. Now, this director is also hoping that Pawan will give a chance this time. Santosh Srinivas of Kandireega fame has also tried to do a project with Pawan. He was also considered to remake Theri with Pawan as a hero. After Santosh Srinivas working for a couple of months, it got shelved. Santosh Srinivas is now thinking he also might get a chance. Mythri Movie Makers is ready to bankroll the project if Santosh Srinivas manages to get not from Pawan Kalyan.
Apart from these four, Harish Shankar is also preparing a subject for Pawan. He is the one who gave a super hit to Pawan with Gabbar Singh. Also, always there is Trivikram Srinivas who can make Pawan act with him if needed.
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