Akkineni Naga Chaitanya has collaborated with Geetha Govindam fame director Parasuram for an upcoming untitled project, which is expected to go on the floor in the month of May next year. The ace director Parasuram has been idle from the past one and half years after which he signed a film. The upcoming film of Naga Chaitanya and Parasuram will be bankrolled by Ram Achanta, Gopi Achanta under the banner of 14 Reels Plus. According to the latest update, the upcoming film is going to be made on the budget of Rs 50 Cr. Parasuram will be getting Rs 8 Cr whereas Naga Chaitanya will be getting Rs 7 Cr remuneration to act in this film.
It is also being said that the Naga Chaitanya and Parasuram film will be hitting theatres next year itself. However, neither the actor nor the director has come up with any official word regarding this upcoming project. But the sources close to the Naga Chaitanya have revealed that the makers are planning to make an official announcement regarding this project after the finalization of the female lead. The production house 14 Reel is also ready to pay Rs 8 Cr remuneration to Parasuram and Rs 7 Cr to Naga Chaitanya.
Meanwhile, Naga Chaitanya is busy with the works of the Sekhar Kammula’s upcoming untitled directorial venture which has Sai Pallavi alongside him. Rumor has it that this upcoming romantic film is titled ‘Love Story’. According to reports, the Naga Chaitanya starrer Love Story will be hitting theatres early next year.
On the other side, Naga Chaitanya is prepping up for the release of his next movie, Venky Mama which has Venkatesh Daggubati, Raashi Khanna and Payal Rajput in the lead roles. Recently Suresh Babu revealed that Venky Mama will be released on 13th December but according to the latest buzz, the movie will arrive at the theaters on 25th December.
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