After scoring hat trick disasters, the young actor Raj Tarun is completely focusing on the subject and taking care of his upcoming project. Currently Raj Tarun is busy in his upcoming flick Orrey Bujji, which is progressing at the brisk pace and is on the verge of completion. Malavika Nair is playing the female lead in this film. Now according to the latest buzz in the film industry, the makers have roped Hebah Patel in this film Orrey Bujji of Raj Tarun starrer.
Hebah Patel will make her screen presence in the flashback episode of the film. Uyyala Jampala fame actor Raj Tarun starrer Orrey Bujji is a youthful romantic story with a twist. While Arjun Reddy fame Shalini Pandey was initially considered as the leading lady, but later the makers roped Malvika Nair to play the female lead in Orrey Bujji. The makers are confident that the quirky story line and hilarious narration will strike the right chord with the movie lovers.
Raj Tarun was last seen in Lover, which was ended up commercially flop at the box office and he is planning to bounce back with this upcoming film Orrey Bujji which has Malavika Nair and Hebah Patel in the female leads. Anup Rubens is scoring the music of the film
Earlier Raj Tarun and Hebah Patel have worked together for romantic and bold drama Kumari 21 F, which was directed by Palnati Surya Pratap, and co-produced by Sukumar with Vijay Bandreddi and Thomas Reddy under the banners of Sukumar Writings and PA Motion Pictures. Devi Sri Prasad composed the music of this film . The movie was all about the story of a romantic relationship between Siddhu, a chef and Kumari, a struggling model. Now once again Kumari 21F combo Raj Tarun and Hebah Patel are teaming up for romantic drama Orrey Bujji.
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