Keerthy Suresh, who is now one of the leading heroines of Tamil cinema, is on a roll. Keerthy Suresh has already acted on many big projects like Remo, Bairavaa and Sarkar. Within a short span of time, the actress has made a mark in the film industry. In Tollywood she was last seen in Mahanati, the biopic of South Indian Legendary actress Savitri, where she played the titular role and the movie was released in May 2018. For Mahanati, Keerthy Suresh won the Best Actress at the 66th National Film Awards for her performance. It’s been almost one and a half year, but Keerthy Suresh is stuck only with a female-centric film titled ‘Miss India’. Everyone is shocked why this talented actress is not getting the big offers from top filmmakers. According to the latest buzz in the film industry, Keerthy Suresh is interfering in the story, her character, the budgets, and all other stuff, which is actually irking Telugu directors to cast her. That is the main reason, no top filmmaker is approaching her for their upcoming projects.
It is also being heard that Keerthy Suresh is not ready for glamour. Nowadays the actresses like Pooja Hegde, Kiara Advani, Nabha Natesh and Nidhhi Aggerwal are coming up with hot avatars, but this Malayali Siren Keerthy Suresh has said no for the skin show.
2018 has bee a good year for Keerthy Suresh as her films Thaana Serndha Kootam, Mahanati and Sarkar turned out to be huge blockbusters. Currently, she is busy in her upcoming film Miss India, which is a woman-centric movie. Naresh and Nadhiya will be seen playing the role of her parents whereas Kamal Kamaraju and Bhanushree will be seen Keerthy Suresh’s siblings. Rajendra Prasad is essaying Keerthy’s grandfather in this film. Keerthy Suresh is also the part of Tamil-Telugu bilingual horror thriller, Penguin.
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