Once again Kathi Mahesh has targeted Jana Sena President and actor Power Star Pawan Kalyan. The self proclaimed Film Critic Kathi Mahesh is one who never hesitate to target Pawan Kalyan. With his latest post he has created a sensational in the political circles. It is known news that recently Pawan Kalyan made comments on current Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh, YS Jagan Mohan Reddy by saying that Jagan Mohan Reddy could establish Andhra Pradesh (AP) Capital in Pulivendula and High Court in Kurnool if wants.
Finally Kathi Mahesh responded on Pawan Kalyan’ comments and said, “Pawan Kalyan is making fun by talking about Andhra Pradesh Capital in Pulivendula and High Court in Kurnool. Is it a joke for you? Do you wish to get head tonsure yet again! Khabadaar!!” Now netizens are fired on Kathi Mahesh, who used abusive language for Pawan Kalyan. But Kathi Mahesh said that these words were fit for Pawan Kalyan and he couldn’t find better words to speak about Pawan Kalyan.
Kathi Mahesh also mocked Pawan Kalyan and sent warning in his own style. Kathi Mahesh has clashed with fans of Pawan Kalyan in the past as well, especially after they unleashed an organized campaign to troll Kathi. It is known news that last year in the month of January, Pawan Kalyan’s fans thrown eggs at Kathi Mahesh near Hyderabad’s Cyber Towers in Madhapur, when he was traveling in a cab. After this incident, Kathi Mahesh had also filed a complaint with the Madhapur police and the police registered a case under sections 323(voluntarily causing hurt), 506 (criminal intimidation) of the IPC and sections of the SC/ST Act.
Kathi Mahesh has been vocal about his criticism against Pawan Kalyan and was trolled extensively after he called Jana Sena ‘authoritarian’. Now once again Kathi Mahesh targeted Jana Sena President.
from TOPSTORIES – Tollywood https://ift.tt/2PNQ3HD