The controversial filmmaker Ram Gopal Varma aka RGV is busy promoting his upcoming directorial venture, Kamma Rajyam Lo Kadapa Reddlu. The recently released posters, trailers, teasers and songs of the film have already created a lot of buzz and have become the talk of the town. On another hand, they have drawn flak from the various political leaders. However, RGV condemned all the comments and said that his upcoming flick Kamma Rajyam Lo Kadapa Reddlu will narrate the political situation of Andhra Pradesh. Ram Gopal Varma has also announced that he is planning to come up with its sequel, which is titled as ‘REDDY RAJYANIKI KAMMA FANS”
The Twitter King Ram Gopal Varma said, “After seeing the fiery Vallabhaneni Vamsi’ interviews, he got an idea for the sequel and the title of the film is going to be ‘Reddy Rajyaniki Kamma fans.’
It is known the news that the producer and politician Vallabhaneni Vamsi made controversial comments on TDP Supremo and former Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh Chandrababu Naidu and Lokesh a couple of days back. Now RGV has decided to come up with the sequel of Kamma Rajyam Lo Kadapa Reddlu and titled the film as Reddy Rajyaniki Kamma Fans.
According to the latest buzz in the film industry, as there is no taker of RGV’ Kamma Rajyam Lo Kadapa Reddlu, the makers are not making an official announcement regarding its release date.
Ram Gopal Varma’s directorial venture has controversial content which is going to irk the ruling and opposition parties in the state Andhra Pradesh. The trailer of Kamma Rajyamlo Kadapa Reddlu has increased the curiosity of the movie lovers and they are eager to watch the movie on the silver screen. The film Kamma Rajyamlo Kadapa Reddlu has the characters of Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy, Nara Lokesh, TDP President Chandrababu Naidu, Jana Sena president Pawan Kalyan, KA Paul, BJP leader Amit Shah, and Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
After seeing the fiery Vallabhaneni Vamsi’s interviews, I got an idea for a sequel to KAMMA RAJYAMLO KADAPA REDDLU …it is going to be titled REDDY RAJYANIKI KAMMA FANS #KRKR
— Ram Gopal Varma (@RGVzoomin) November 16, 2019
Credit: Twitter
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