After delivering successful movie Khaidi, Karthi has joined hands with Drishyam fame Jeethu Joseph for an upcoming thriller drama, which is titled as Donga in Telugu. With Khaidi, Karthi has entered the Rs 100 crore club for the first time in his career. Khaidi’s title was unknowingly inspired by Megastar Chiranjeevi’s 80s blockbuster with the same title. Now this time once again Chiranjeevi is gobsmacked as Karthi has now named his next film as ‘Donga’, which also happens to be Megastar’s old movie title.
Jyothika is on the board to play a crucial role in this film starring Karthi which has been titled as Thambi in Tamil and Donga in Telugu. Yesterday the makers of Donga, unveiled the first look poster of Karthi starrer Donga. The faces of Karthi and Jyothika appear side by side on the first look poster of Donga with a police jeep in the middle. Apart from the lead pair, Donga also has veteran actor Sathyaraj, Malayalam actor Anson Paul, Nikhila Vimal and Ammu Abhirami in a crucial role. It has also come out that Thambi will also star veteran actor Sowcar Janaki and Master Ashwanth who had stolen the show in Super Deluxe as the character Raasukutty.
Along with Viacom18 Studios, Jyothika’s brother Suraj is bankrolling this upcoming project of Karthi starrer. Govind Vasantha is rendering the tune, whereas RD Rajasekhar is handling the cinematography. The film is slated to hit the theatres in the month of December.
Jeethu Joseph, whose last outing in Kollywood was Kamal Haasan starrer Papanasam, is making his comeback in Tollywood with Karthi and Jyothika starrer thriller drama Donga.
Jyotika was last seen in Jackpot alongside Revathy, which is helmed by Kalyan and bankrolled by Suriya’ 2D Entertainment. On the other side, Karthi was last seen in Lokesh Kanagaraj’s directorial venture Kaithi, Khaidi which received praise from the audience. Meanwhile, Karthi is expected to wrap up the shooting of his upcoming film titled Sultan with director Bakkiyaraj Kannan of Remo fame very soon.
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