The young and talented actor Vijay Devarakonda is currently busy in the shoot of upcoming romantic entertainer World famous Lover, which is progressing at the brisk pace and is on the verge of completion. The makers are planning to wrap up the entire shoot by the end of October month. Soon after wrapping up romantic saga World Famous Lover, directed by Kranthi Madhav, Vijay Deverakonda will start working for his next upcoming film, which is titled as Hero.
In this racy thriller drama hero, Vijay Deverakonda will be seen playing the role of a bike racer, which will be directed by Anand Annamalai. The makers have already completed the first schedule and have spent a huge amount. The makers of Vijay Deverakonda starrer are now planning to shoot major portion of a hero in the next schedule to commence from November month.
The movie Hero has an exciting bike race scene, which is said to be one of the major highlights of the film. The makers are said to be spending a hefty sum of Rs 8 crore on a single stunt sequence.
Vijay Deverakonda starrer Hero is set against a bike racing backdrop, and the makers have also roped Diganth to play a crucial role in this upcoming film, which is being bankrolled by Mythri Movie Makers. A hero is being made in all South languages-Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, and Malayalam.
from TOPSTORIES – Tollywood