Mega Power Star Ram Charan’s wife Upasana Kamineni Kondiela took to Instagram and raised a question to India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi for neglecting South Indian Film Industry. Narendra Modi interacted with members of the film industry on Saturday in the Capital, that included a number of top Bollywood actors like Bollywood Badshah Shah Rukh Khan, Aamir Khan, Kangana Ranaut, Sonam Kapoor, Jacqueline Fernandez and filmmakers like Anurag Basu, Imtiaz Ali, Ekta Kapoor and Boney Kapoor.
Bollywood celebrities interacted with Prime Minister Narendra Modi to popularise Mahatma Gandhi and his ideologies through the medium of cinema, to mark the 150th birth anniversary of the Father of the Nation. Prime Minister took to his social media handle to share many pics and selfies with the stars and thank them for joining the initiative ‘Change Within’. The focus of this initiative ‘Change Within’ was to invite film celebrities encouraging them to make films and TV shows that speak about Gandhism. Ram Charan’s wife Upasana Kamineni Konidela felt that there was no South representation.
By sharing a photo of PM Narendra Modi with Shah Rukh Khan and Aamir Khan, Upasana Kamineni said that the South film industry was completely neglected.
Reportedly, the only celebrity who represented the South Indian film Industry was noted Telugu producer Dil Raju.
Dearest @narendramodi ji.
JAI HIND— Upasana Konidela (@upasanakonidela) October 19, 2019
Jai Hind @narendramodi ji.
— Upasana Konidela (@upasanakonidela) October 19, 2019
Credit: Twitter
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