Telugu Superstar Mahesh Babu‘ wife Namrata Shirodkar met Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy‘ wife YS Bharathi in her Amaravati residence. Mahesh Babu and Namrata are known for their social welfare works. Everyone is aware of that Mahesh Babu adopted his father Krishna’s native place Burripalem in Andhra Pradesh and his wife Namrata Shirodkar is overseeing the developmental activities.
Both Namrata and Bharathi discussed the village development works in Burripalem. After the meeting, Namrata took to social media and shared a pic of her with CM’ wife Namrata. Bharathi promised the government’s support for the ongoing work in the village.
It has also come out that Bharathi praised Mahesh Babu’s charity work and agreed to extend all support. Before meeting YS Bharathi, Namrata offered special prayers at Kanakadurgamma on Indrakeeladri temples in Vijayawada.
On the other side, Mahesh Babu has also adopted Siddhapur Village in the state of Telangana. Namrata is now concentrating to develop the Siddhapuram into a model village.
Along with his native village Burripalem in Andhra Pradesh, Mahesh Babu took the adoption of Siddhapuram, a village in Mahabubnagar district in Telangana state.
Namrata used to visit Siddhapuram village. She is mainly focusing on health and education facilities in the village.
Few days ago Megastar Chiranjeevi and his wife Surekha met YS Jagan Mohan Reddy and his wife Bharathi and requested them to watch movie Sye Raa Narasimha Reddy and now this time Mahesh Babu’ wife Namrata met Bharathi.
On the work side, Mahesh Babu is currently working with Anil Ravipudi for upcoming romantic and comedy entertainer Sarileru Neekevvaru which has Rashmika Mandanna in the female lead. Devi Sri Prasad, who had helmed music for Maharshi is rendering the tune. Vijayshanti is playing medical professor. According to the latest buzz, the makers are planning to release the look of Vijayashanti from this upcoming film on the eve of Diwali.
from TOPSTORIES – Tollywood