Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy has taken a move towards skill development. From the reports, it was known that Jagan has decided to set up a university for skill development at the state level. AP CM has decided to erect a college in each parliamentary constituency and further affiliate them to the university to improve skills among the students that are pursuing Industrial Training Institute, reports read.
On to this decision, Jagan conducted the review meeting with the concerned officials and asked for their points and suggestions towards the beneficial employment-oriented courses and programs for the students to get a job and settle down in their life. It was also known that an IAS will be appointed at the university to ensure the smooth functioning of the university for undertaking the precise skill development programs. Funds would be generating among the skill development and employment generation. As an initiative, the Chief Minister has further decided to digitize the employment exchange and craft an application or software like an Ola and Uber. With the vision of mapping local skill development courses at the village and secretariat level, Jagan has asked the officials to follow this.
According to the reports, it was known that Chief Minister Jagan told that 25 colleges in the state would be affiliated to the proposed university and further, this university would be responsible for formulating plans for students skill up-gradation in proportionate to the changing technological trends across the globe. It looks like AP CM Jagan is leaving no scope to get pointed by the opposition in terms of fulfilling his poll promises or development of the state. If everything implemented exactly as planned, this would be a great move in encouraging and shining today’s youth in building their careers.
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