Dhruv Vikram, is the son of Kollywood star Vikram who is making his acting debut with an upcoming bold drama Adithya Varma. He is an active user of social media sites and is popular for sharing her personal pics. Recently Dhruv Vikram went to Bali and shared a bold kissing pic on Instagram where he is seen kissing on the head of a Python. It seems Dhruv is snake lover and his kissing act is receiving a lot of appreciation from his fans. The way Dhruv Vikram hold the python, and kisses on it’s head, clearly shows that he is fond of snakes.
In his upcoming debut film Adithya Varma, he will also be seen sharing bold kisses with the actress Banita Sandhu. The actress who rose to fame with film October, is making her Tamil debut with Adithya Varma. She is playing the leading lady whereas Priya Anand will be seen in a cameo. Aditya Varma also marks the acting debut of Dhruv, which is directed by debutant Girisayya.
Adithya Varma is the Tamil remake of Telugu blockbuster movie Arjun Reddy. On Sunday, the makers released a teaser. It assures to be a frame-to-frame recreation of the original Arjun Reddy.
The teaser shows Dr Adithya Varma (Dhruv), is the topper of college, topper of the university and topper of the board. According to his professor, he has passed out of college with track record. This dialogue is followed by fleeting shots of Adithya Varma’ uncontrollable anger.
Earlier the movie was directed by Bala, but it was scrapped off entirely. However, E4 Entertainment, the production house assembled a new team and shot the movie again with the name Adithya Varma.
Earlier in an interview, Dhruv Vikram has said, to get into the skin of the character, he had to distance himself from his family which made him more angry
Dhruv Vikram and Banita Sandu starrer Adithya Varma is all set for a grand release in the coming months.
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