Krishna Vamsi is making his comeback in Tollywood after a long gap with an upcoming film Rangamarthanda in which his wife Ramya Krishna will play a crucial role. Now according to the latest buzz in the film industry, Krishna Vamsi is planning to approach Bollywood Megastar Amitabh Bachchan aka Big B in this upcoming film Rangamarthanda which also has Baahubali fame, Ramya Krishna.
Rangamarthanda is a remake of Marathi film ‘Natasamrat’, which was helmed by Mahesh Manjrekar in 2016. The movie revolves around the life of a renowned theater-artist Appa played by Nana Patekar. The film won a lot of accolades and awards. Krishna Vamsi’s close friend Prakash Raj will be playing the title role. The film will be produced by Abhishek Jawkar and Madhu Kalipu.
Mahesh Manjrekar’s wife Medha Manjrekar essayed the wife of Nana Patekar in Natasamra. And in Rangamarthanda, Krishna Vamsi’s wife Ramya Krishna will play the role of Prakash Raj’ wife.
Amitabh Bachchan was last seen in recently released Telugu film Sye Raa Narasimha Reddy in which Megastar Chiranjeevi, Tamannah Bhatia, and Nayantara played the lead roles. Currently, the movie is doing decent collections at the box office. Earlier Amitabh Bachchan has also made his screen presence in Akkineni family drama Manam. Now the director Krishna Vamsi is going to approached Amitabh Bachhan to do a role in his upcoming film.
Krishna Vamsi is teaming up with Prakash Raj to remake Maratha hit movie Natasamrat in Telugu with the title Rangamarthanda and he wants to rope Amitabh Bachchan to play the role of a guru of the lead actor. Now we have to wait and see whether Amitabh Bachchan will give his nod to Krishna Vamsi for this upcoming Telugu film Rangamarthanda or not.
If Amitabh Bachchan will give his nod for Rangamarthanda, he will be seen sharing the screen space with Prakash Raj and Ramya Krishna. On the other side, Ramya Krishna will be seen in her upcoming film ‘Romantic’ starring Aakash Puri and Ketika Sharma.
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