Keerthy Suresh is currently busy in her upcoming movie Miss India, which is being helmed by debutante Narendra Nath. It is heard that the upcoming film Miss India will feature Keerthy Suresh in multiple looks over various timelines. According to Narendra Nath, the upcoming film Miss Indian is not a costume drama. Interestingly, Keerthy Suresh, the National Award Winner for her commendable performance in Mahanati, took on more than 50 look trials to get it right with her multiple looks for Miss India.
Recently during the media interaction, Narendra Nath revealed that Keerthy Suresh pursued a fashion course after her college, for understanding what looks her character has to possess. He added that Keerthy Suresh took on more than 50 look trials to get it right with her multiple looks. For each look, Mahanati actress had around 10 look tests. As there are multiple looks in Miss India, she had to sit through more than 50 look tests overall to get the right look for her role.
In the month of August, the makers of Miss India released a teaser. Keerthy Suresh, clad in some stylish attire, was seen walking through the streets of foreign countries throughout the teaser.
Apart from Keerthy Suresh, Miss India also has Nadhiya, Naresh, Rajendra Prasad, Kamal Kamaraju and Bhanushree in the supporting roles. The movie is being bankrolled by Mahesh S Koneru under the banner of East Coast Productions.
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