Sye Raa Narasimha Reddy starring Megastar Chiranjeevi, which is directed by Surender Reddy and produced by Ram Charan under the banner of Konidela Productions, received positive review and rating from its screening at the overseas censor board. Umair Sandhu who is popular for sharing his review before releasing the film, has shared his first review on Sye Raa Narasimha Reddy on his Twitter and he has given 4/5 rating to Chiranjeevi starrer.
Umair Sandhu tweeted, “First Review #SyeRaNarasimhaReddy ! A film like #SyeRaa makes you proud that an Indian filmmaker dared to dream big and accomplished it. It is definitely not to be missed. Call it a box-office blockbuster today, but tomorrow, it will be remembered as a classic ☆☆☆☆
#SyeRaNarasimhaReddy from Overseas Censor ! #Chiranjeevi is stupendous and clearly in top form. He holds you attentive right from the first frame till the penultimate moments. The supporting cast is top notch, especially #AmitabhBachchan [terrific], #Sudeep [wonderful]. ☆☆☆☆
#SyeRaaNarsimhaReddy Review : ● #SyeRaa is a cinematic gem that you just cannot miss. ● Tremendous performances, deft direction, power-packed screenwriting and dialogue, melodious soundtrack and of course, the lavish mounting — this film has it all. ● Sure Shot HIT ! ☆☆☆☆”
#SyeRaaNarsimhaReddy Review :
● #SyeRaa is a cinematic gem that you just cannot miss.
● Tremendous performances, deft direction, power-packed screenwriting and dialogue, melodious soundtrack and of course, the lavish mounting — this film has it all.
● Sure Shot HIT !— Umair Sandhu (@UmairFilms) September 29, 2019
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