BJP’s Swami Chinmayanand‘s rape case has been making huge sound these days. As soon as the opposition Congress got to know on the arrest of the rape victim and law student, the opposition has decided for a rally or march in support of the rape victim. But, Congress was denied to hold the march in supporting the law student who is currently jailed now.
Congress leader Jitin Prasada has said that he was put under the preventive custody after the district administration turned down the march request. The leader further claimed that ‘Nyay Yatra’ by the Congress party was meant to express solidarity towards the girl student who voiced out over the BJP’s leader and former Union minister Swami Chinmayanand who raped her.
Jitin Prasada took his views to Twitter and posted saying, “UP is no Kashmir yet today I am in preventive custody for simply wanting to highlight the plight of the Shahjahnpur rape victim. This BJP govt has no qualms in quashing an individual’s fundamental rights!”.
The Congress leader further went on to question the police over the denial of administration and asked cops as to how it is wrong to hold a protest to seek justice for a victim who was exploited.
On speaking to this, Prasada told the reporters as “Congress today wanted to hold a march to highlight the plight of the Shahjahanapur rape victim but the local administration is not allowing it. Tell me how is it a violation of the law? It is unfortunate”.
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