The first picture of KGF star Yash and Radhika Pandit’ daughter is out! A day before, Radhika Pandit had announced the news of sharing the first picture of their daughter on her Facebook account. Sharing a close-up image of Yash with their baby, Radhika wrote on her Facebook, “A father-daughter relationship is a priceless one!! I know all of u are waiting to see our lil angel, won’t disappoint u. This May 7th on Akshaya Tritiya.. we will reveal our true treasure.. our precious Asset.”
Yash and Radhika Pandit had a baby in December 2018.
On Sunday, Radhika Pandit teased the fans with the pic of Yash and their daughter but the face of daughter was not revealed. Radhika announced that she will reveal the pic of her daughter on 7th May on the occasion of Akshaya Tritiya. And finally today she has shared the pic of her daughter.
Today by sharing the pic of her daughter on facebook, Radhika Pandit tweeted, “Presenting to u all, our precious bundle of joy! We haven’t named her yet, so till then let’s call her ‘baby YR’ for now! Do give her all your love n blessings!! (sic).”
On the wok-side, Yash is currently busy in the shoot of his upcoming movie KGF 2. According to the latest buzz in the film Industry, the makers have roped Bollywood actor Sanjay Dutt and Raveena Tandon to play the important role. But there is no any official confirmation about it.
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