It is known news that recently Mega Power Star Ram Charan injured his ankle in gym and the makers of RRR halted the shoot, which is expected to start very soon. Meanwhile, it looks like Dhruva star is utilizing this break for good. Upasana the wife of Ram Charan who is popular for sharing the updates about her husband Ram Charan and his upcoming projects, took to her Twitter and shared few pics of Ram Charan, in which he is seen visiting his childhood’ boarding school Lawrence School Lovedale in Ooty. By sharing the pics of Ram Charan, Upasana said, “Brings back the child in Ram Charan.”
Upasana Kamineni Konidela captioned the pics, “It’s BACK TO SCHOOL for Mr C ! Lawrence Lovedale ! #nostalgia #downmemorylane #boardingschool #RamCharan”
Upasana again tweeted and Ram Charan’ childhood school, “Memories that last forever ! I’m sure everyone misses school for : school canteen dormitory class photo Mr C has soooo many fond memories from his school days – brings back the child in him ! #lawrenceschoollovedale #lawrencian #nostalgia #backtoschool #RamCharan.”
By visiting the canteen, dormitory and the entire school campus, Ram Charan recollected all the beautiful memories.
On the work side, Very soon the shoot of RRR starring Ram Charan and Jr NTR is going to be started. He is playing the role of the legendary freedom fighter Alluri Seetharama Raju. Alia Bhatt will be joining the sets of this film later this month, we hear. SS Rajamouli has roped in Ajay Devgn to play an extended cameo in RRR. He will play a freedom fighter and will appear in the flash back sequences.
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