Telugu Superstar Mahesh Babu starrer Maharshi, directed by Vamsi Paidipally, which has completed the censor formalities, is gearing up for grand release on 9th May. It is known news that Namrata, the wife of Mahesh Babu is popular for promoting Mahesh Babu’ project. This time once again she has extended her support for Maharshi. Namrata recently shared a few videos of celebrities sending out best wishes Maharshi. From Goa beauty Ileana D Cruz to Trivikram Srinivas, many celebs wished the actor good luck for Maharshi. But this time Namrata has shared the video clip of Samantha Akkineni on her instagram, in which she is seen sending wishes for Mahesh Babu starrer Maharshi. Samantha is also seen thanking to Mahesh Babu.
Samantha said , “I didn’t come from a filmy background neither do I have mentors but I did have the privilege of working with Mahesh Babu garu at the early stage of my filmy career. Thank you, sir, for giving me the best advice ever in my filmy career. All the best for your 25th film…it will break all the records.”
Samantha and Mahesh Babu have worked together for Dookudu, which was blockbuster at the box office.
Namrata captioned the video, “You are a family favorite, Sam… Sitara loves you the most…!!! Thank you so much for your warm wishes for Maharshi, @samantharuthprabhuoffl !”
Mahesh Babu starrer Maharshi which has Pooja Hegde and Allari Naresh, is directed by Vamsi Paidipally of Oopiri fame, and jointly produced by Sri Venkateshwara Creations, Vyjayanthi Movies and PVP Cinema.
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