Our Desi girl Priyanka Chopra attended the Met Gala 2019 for the third time this year. The 36 years old actress Priyanka Chopra wore mesh and sheer gown with a thigh-high slit and feathered hem. She attached a feathered-hem cape to her outfit too. This time Priyanka Chopra was seen with her hubby Nick Jonas at Met Gala 2019. They looked like a power couple with Priyanka taking most of the limelight in her silver cage gown by Dior with a feathered skirt and a towering silver cage crown.
Nick Jonas matched his outfit with the silver essence on wife Priyanka Chopra’s dress and together, they gave one of the most striking sights at the pink carpet of the fashion event.
Priyanka Chopra teased her hair in wild curls and completed her look for Met Gala 2019. The actress accessorized the ensemble with a pair of silver pumps and purple drop earrings and multi-layered pendants.
Deepika Padukone also made her presence felt at the red carpet of Met Gala 2019. She not just looked like a million dollars but was dresses top notch according to the theme of the event. Met Gala 2019 took place on 6th May 2019 at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, United States and all the celebrities came dressed by the theme Camps.
The newly wed couple Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas were also a part of Benefit Committee for this year’ Met Gala.
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