Telugu Superstar Mahesh Babu is back after the tremendous success of Bharat Ane Nenu, which was directed by Kortala Siva. BAN offered loads of memorable moments for Mahesh Babu fans as it was the first time, when Mahesh Babu played the role of Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh. Now Mahesh Babu is coming up with an upcoming much awaited project Maharshi, which is arriving at the theater on 9th May 2019 in a very grand manner. If reports are to be believed, Maharshi will have as many as five action sequences in it. Not only this Mahesh Babu will also steal the thunder with his comedy in Maharshi.
The sources close to Maharshi film unit reveal that Mahesh Babu’ comedy is also one of the major highlight of Vamsi Paidipally’ directorial venture. The recently released trailer has already given a hint that Mahesh Babu will be seen playing a student and scenes between trio (Mahesh Babu, Pooja Hegde and Allari Naresh) are going to leave the audience in splits.
It has come out that the entire first half of Mahesh Babu starrer Maharsh is going to be a laugh riot for audience.
Maharshi is jointly bankrolled by Dil Raju,C. Ashwini Dutt, Prasad V. Potluri under Sri Venkateswara Creations, Vyjayanthi Movies,PVP Cinema banners . The film has the music by Devi Sri Prasad.
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