Pooja Hegde is currently waiting for the release of her upcoming Telugu movie Maharshi in which she will be seen sharing the screen space with Mahesh Babu. Maharshi is slated to hit the theaters on 9th May. Apart of Tollywood, Maharshi girl Pooja Hegde is also active in Bollywood. Recently she has signed an upcoming Hindi movie, which will be bankrolled by Sajid Nadiwala. Now according to the latest update, Maharshi girl Pooja Hegde will be seen pulling off some terrific action moves, and hence, she has been learning Taekwondo, a Korean martial art, as part of preparation for the role. Pooja Hegde is all set to create Taekwondo Sensation soon. The rest of the details about the cast and crew of this film will be revealed soon.
Sajid Nadiadwala has locked Pooja Hegde for a three-movie deal after he felt that she has great future in Bollywood. Currently she is working with Sajid Nadiadwala’s production ‘Housefull 4’ in Bollywood and as he is very impressed with her work, has roped her for another two movies for his production house. The sources say that one of the films is in the action genre. The sources say that for this action film, Maharshi girl Pooja hegde has begun prepping and is learning a martial art form, Taekwondo
Meanwhile, she is busy promoting Maharshi. Pooja Hegde also has a film each with Prabhas and Allu Arjun lined up next.
Pooja Hegde made her debut in Bollywood in 2016 opposite superstar Hrithik Roshan in Ashutosh Gowarikar’s Mohenjo Daro, which was bombed at the box office.
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