Telugu Superstar Mahesh Babu, Pooja Hegde and Allari Naresh starrer Maharshi is all set to hit the theaters tomorrow on 9th May 2019 in a very grand manner. Maharshi has got a 12A certificate as British Censor Board has completed the censor formalities. The trade Analyst Taran Adarsh has confirmed the news via a tweet. He wrote on the wall of his Twitter, “#CensorNews: #Telugu film #Maharshi certified 12A by British censors on 7 May 2019. Approved run time: 176 min, 3 sec [2 hours, 56 minutes, 3 seconds]. #Overseas #UK.”
Films under the category ‘12A’ are considered to be unsuitable for young children. Cinemas in the United Kingdom are only permitted to supply tickets to see a 12A film to children under the age of 12 if they are accompanied by an adult aged 18 or over.
As British Censor (BBFC) has given a 12A certificate to Mahesh Babu starrer Maharshi which means children below 12 years of age can see the movie when accompanied by an adult. Maharshi is one of the highly awaited films of the year. Expectations are soaring high for Mahesh Babu starrer and fans can’t keep their excitement under control to catch the film in their nearest theatre.
In the meantime, Maharshi has been awarded a 12A certification by British Censor with an approved run time of 176 min, 3 sec for the Telugu Version.
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