Shraddha Srinth has appeared in a number of Telugu, Hindi and Malayalam films. She gained wide acclaim for her role in the Kannada psychological thriller U Turn for which she won the Filmfare Award for Best Actress and also for her performances in Urvi, Vikram Vedha and Operation Alamelamma. Shraddha Srinath made her Telugu debut with sport based drama Jersey in which Natural star Nani played the lead role and the movie was decent hit at the box office. It is known news that after wrapping up the shoot of Sye Raa Narasimha Reddy, Megastar Chiranjeevi will join the sets of his next upcoming movie, which will be helmed by Koratala Siva. Now according to the latest buzz in the film industry, Koratala Siva is eyeing on Shraddha Srinath and is planning to rope her in his next upcoming directorial venture starring Chiranjeevi.
It is said that Koratala Siva is very impressed with the performance of Shraddha Srinth in Jersey. The discussion about the project has been started but nothing is yet finalized. If Shraddha gives her nod, this will be first time, when she will work with Megastar Chiranjeevi. Though many youngsters refuse to romance with veterans like Chiranjeevi, let’s wait and see whether Shraddha Srinath gives her green signal or not.
The pre production work has been already started. Nayantara has been roped to play the role of Chiranjeevi’s wife in this film. If Shraddha Srinath accepts the offers, she will be seen playing the second female lead.
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