The young actor Sharwanand is currently working with Sudheer Varma for his upcoming gangster drama #Sharwa27. The shoot of the film has been wrapped up and the currently the team is busy in the post production work of this upcoming drama. The upcoming untitled film will feature Sharwanand in two different avatars. Yesterday the makers released the pre look poster and also confirmed the news that the first look poster will be out today on 25th May 2019 at 4:05 pm.
Sharwand has also confirmed the same via a tweet, “#Sharwa27FirstLook will be out tomorrow at 04:05pm”
The production house Sithara Entertainments tweeted, “RADICAL. ECCENTRIC. ASTUTE. KIND! #Sharwa27FirstLook will be out tomorrow at 04:05pm. A @sudheerkvarma directorial with #Sharwanand, @MsKajalAggarwal & @kalyanipriyan as the leads. Produced by @vamsi84 @Diva_DOP @iprashantpillai @adityamusic.”
The director Sudheer varma tweeted, “The wait is over.. Excited to show you something tomorrow #Sharwa27 Firstlook #sharwanand @MsKajalAggarwal @kalyanipriyan @Diva_DOP @iprashantpillai.”
In this pre-look poster, Sharwanand is not seen clearly while there are a group of men in his background.
Sharwanand starrer, which is being bankrolled by Sithara Entertainments, has two female leads- Kajal Aggarwal and Kalyani Priyadarshan.
Sharwanand was last seen in critically panned Telugu movie Padi Padi Leche Manasu in which Fidaa fame Sai Pallavi played the female lead role but the movie was ended up commercially flop at the box office. This time he is pinning hope on his upcoming yet-to-be-titled actioner.
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