Anchor turned actress Anasuya Bharadwaj who is popular for her anchoring and performance skills in giving shock to her fans. The actress is popular for sharing her personal pics and updates of her upcoming projects on social media sites- Instagram and Twitter. This time she took to her Instagram to share a pic of herself with husband, which is going viral on social media sites and netizens are saying that Anasuya Bharadwaj has forget to wear pant.
According to Anasuya Bharadwaj , this pic is clicked by her son Ayanssh in which she shows her thigh and forgets to wear pant. Rangasthalam actress captioned the pic, “They say every picture tells a story.. this one.. clicked this afternoon.. by my son Ayanssh.. tells me the story of how blessed I am.. for giving me a family that keeps me grounded.. tells me simple things are the most beautiful.. tells me that in the end when there is.. all that matters is Us. Just being there. Taking this time to thank the almighty. #Touchwood #familyisforever#blessedandgrateful.”
Coming on the pic, she is seen wearing just the shirt and nothing on the bottom. Anasuya Bharadwaj’ pic without pant is grabbing the attention of many and she is being trolled. Few comments by the netizens are as follows:
Sivaallari: Hey.. U for got to wear…pant
nandhan37: Anasuya garu plzz remove the photo
sriman_roy_07: U forgot wearing pant
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