Recently Natural Star Nani was seen in sport based drama Jersey in which he shared the screen space with Shraddha Srinath. Not only Nani, Naga Chaitanya was also seen playing the role of cricketer in Majili. Both the sport based dramas are hit at the box office. Now according to the latest update, young and talented actor Aadhi Pinisetty is going to act in a sport based movie, which will be directed by debutant Prithvi Aditya. After Nani and Naga Chaitanya, now Aadhi Pinisetty is going to act in sport based drama but he will not play cricket, he will be seen playing the role of a runner.
Aadhi Pinisetty has carved a niche for himself in both Tamil and Telugu industries. And recently he has signed a bilingual sports drama which will have a simultaneous release in both Tamil and Telugu.
The sources close to the film makers revealed that the movie will revolve around the world of athletes and athletics. Apparently, Aadhi Pinisetty will be going through special training for this sport based movie.
According to Aadhi Pinisetty, he is playing the role of a runner and the story is about his aspirations and struggles to make it at international level. The movie will also have connections with the politics.
Aadhi Pinisetty said, the upcoming sport based movie was based on a real life runner and the things that happened to him. He will sport two different looks. The movie will be bankrolled by Big Print Banners. Praveen Kumar will handle the cinematography.
Meanwhile, the actor is currently busy in his upcoming Telugu movie, which is being helmed by Nagesh Kukunnor and Keerthy Suresh is playing the female lead.
from TOPSTORIES – Tollywood