Ram Gopal Varma’s positive tweet on Jana Sena Chief and Power Star Pawan Kalyan is giving shock to everyone. Currently he is busy in the promotional activities of his upcoming directorial venture Lakshmi’s NTR and this time he is targeting Pawan Kalyan and his fans. The film maker who is popular for making controversial comments, praised Pawan Kalyan via his tweet. He wrote, “Brahmamgaaru naaku chevilo cheppindhi @PawanKalyan Gelisthe AP CM avuthadu ..Gelavakapothe gelichina CM ki mogudavuthadu ..Thadhaasthu.”
Ram Gopal Varma said if Pawan Kalyan wins in elections, he will become Chief Minister for the state and if he doesn’t win in election he will become husband for the CM.
Ram Gopal Varma also said, “Chandrababu Naidu backstabbed NTR in the past, but Pawan Kalyan will do a frontstabbing to Chandrababu Naidu with his honesty.”
It is known news that during the release of his previous offering Officer starring Akkinnei Nagarjuna, Ram Gopal Varma called Pawan Kalyan’s fans ‘YouTube Alexanders’. He was also one who asked Sri Reddy to abuse Pawan Kalyan’s mother in front of camera.
RGV instigated Sri Reddy to publicly insult Pawan to earn more publicity for her Me Too-style campaign. Ram Gopal Varma continued his rant against Pawan Kalyan on Twitter. He mocked a video, which showed Pawan angrily discussing with a group of lawyers at his Jana Sena Party office. “I just pray @PawanKalyan won’t come under contempt of the courts for making a mockery of lawyers and lawyers won’t put a defamation case on him for making them look like junior artistes”
Now it seems Ram Gopal Varma needs the help of Pawan Kalyan’s fans to make his movie Lakshmi’s NTR a hit.
Brahmamgaaru naaku chevilo cheppindhi @PawanKalyan Gelisthe AP CM avuthadu ..Gelavakapothe gelichina CM ki mogudavuthadu ..Thadhaasthu
— Ram Gopal Varma (@RGVzoomin) February 24, 2019
సీ.బీ.ఎన్ , పీ.కేని వాడుకుని అలవాటు ప్రకారం వెన్నుపోటు పొడిచినందుకు ప్రతీకారంగా రానున్న ఎన్నికలలో @PawanKalyan తన నైజములో ఉన్న నిజాయితీతో @ncbn ని ముందుపోటు పొడుస్తాడని పీకే పవర్ మీద నా అత్యంత మెగా నమ్మకం.
— Ram Gopal Varma (@RGVzoomin) February 24, 2019
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