In Tollywood, Rakul Preet Singh was last seen playing late actress Sridevi in NTR Kathanayakudu, which was released on the occasion of Sankranthi. Now she has been roped in Akkineni Nagarjuna starrer upcoming movie Manmadhudu 2. It is known news that Rakul Preet Singh was also on the board to play the female lead in Venkatesh Daggubati and Akkineni Naga Chaitanya starrer Venky Mama. The sources say that as Suresh Babu doesn’t want Rakul Preet Singh as Naga Chaitanya’s heroine in Venky Mama as she is playing the role of Nagarjuna’s heroine in Manmadhudu 2. So they have now replaced Delhi belle Rakul Preet Singh with Kannada bombshell Nabha Natesh. An official confirmation is awaited regarding it.
Rakul Preet Singh is one of the most sought-after actresses in Tollywood. Earlier both Rakul Preet singh and Naga Chaitanya have worked together for Rarandoi Veduka Chudham, which was decent hit at the box office. Rakul Preet Singh was said to be playing one of the two female leads in Venky Mama, whereas RX beauty Payal Rajput would essay the other one. But now according to the latest buzz in the film industry, Rakul Preet Singh is not the part of Venky Mama. She has been replaced by Nabha Natesh of Nannu Dochukunduvate fame.
Venky Mama makers have brought Nabha Natesh on board as her replacement. According to them, she fits the bill perfectly.
Venky Mama is being directed by KS Ravindra alias Bobby and is bankrolled by D. Suresh Babu under Suresh Productions banner whereas the film has the music by S. Thaman.
Nabha Natesh made her Telugu debut with Nannu Dochukunduvate, in which Sudheer Bbau played the lead role.
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