Director Krish Jagarlamudi‘s latest venture NTR Mahanayakudu starring Nandamuri Balakrishna, Rana Daggubati and Vidya Balan starrer, released worldwide on 22nd January 2019. The film opened to mixed reviews and the collection rate of the film at the box office is below par. In RTC X Roads, Hyderabad, NTR Mahanayakudu has collected Rs 1.60 lakh on its opening day. According to the traders report, “NTR Mahanayakudu has eanred Rs 1,60,641 in RTC X Roads on its first day. “NTR Mahanayakudu has become fail to crush the day 1 collection record of Nagarjuna starrer Officer and Anjali CBI on day 2
NTR Mahanayakudu became fail to beat the record of Akkineni Nagarjuna starrer biggest disaster Officer, which was directed by Ram Gopal Varma. Officer had minted Rs 3,44,718 in RTC X Roads on its first day.
In BVRM town, NTR Mahanayakudu has managed to rake in over Rs 2.62 Cr. However, in Mandapeta, the film hasn’t performed well as the film has earned only Rs 79, 000 on its opening day.
On the otherside, Anjali CBI starring Anurag Kashyap, Atarvaa Murali, Raashi Khanna, Nayanatara starrer has collected Rs 14,754 on Day 2 in the morning show whereas NTR Mahanayakudu has collected Rs 13, 696.
Balakrishna’s dream project, NTR Mahanayakudu has taken an extremely poor opening at the AP/TS box office and the movie has collected Rs 1.60 Cr shares.
from topstories – Tollywood