Upasana Kamineni Konidela, the wife of Ram Charan, are sharing pics from Jaipur on her social media site – Twitter. Few days ago, both Ram Charan and Upasana flew to Jaipur to attend the wedding of Baahubali film maker SS Rajamouli’s son SS Karthikeya and Pooja Prasad. Currently Ram Charan, Upasana, Jr NTR, Pranathi, Rana Daggubati, Natural star Nani, Young Rebel Star Prabhas, Anushka Shetty, Jagapathi Babu, Akkineni Nagarjuna are in Jaipur. The wedding of SS Karthikeya and Pooja Prasad will take place today on 30th December 2018. Upasana who is an active user of social media sites took to her Twitter to share a pic of Ram Charan and Jr NTR. Both are seen wearing pink colour outfir. Upasana came up with an interesting caption, “Pinkys ! Sweety co ordinated #RamCharan @tarak9999
Uapsana also shared a pic of Ram Charan with Baahubali star Rana Daggubati and captioned it, “Couple goals #besties #riot #ramcharan @RanaDaggubati.” Sharing photos and videos from the event, Mega Bahu Upasana has been giving everyone the much needed info.
Yesterday both Ram Charan and Upasana wore black colour outfit and this news was also confirmed by her as she wrote in her Twitter, “All dressed in black ! #RamCharan #BangaramSaysSS- in @Tarun_Tahiliani.” She also shared a short video clip on her Twitter and wrote about the music composer MM Keeravani, “The star of the night @mmkeeravaani garu quizzing me – mine was a wild guess! Later he told me that according to vastu steps are built in odd numbers ! Great learning from a great evening ! #BangaramSaysSS.”
On the work side, both Ram Charan and Jr NTR are working together for an upcoming movie RRR, which is helmed by SS Rajamouli. The first schedulehas been wrapped up recently and the next schedule is expected to commence from January.
Pinkys ! Sweety co ordinated #RamCharan @tarak9999 pic.twitter.com/wZzs4EvvcH
— Upasana Konidela (@upasanakonidela) December 30, 2018
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